Thursday, September 2, 2010

Review: "The Columbine Project"

And another one...

The Columbine Project :: EDGE New York City

The massacre at Columbine High School may have taken place over ten years ago but hardly anyone in America needs a refresher course. The horrifying events of that fateful in day in April of 1999 have been so widely reported and analyzed that many individual moments of Paul Storiale’s play The Columbine Project should be intimately familiar even to those who have only casually followed the case...

Review: "Zombie"

A review of an off-Broadway play I wrote about a year ago...

Zombie :: EDjavascript:void(0)GE New York City

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Bill Connington’s Zombie is the original score: a wave of ominous soundscapes and fuzzbox guitar drone that fades in and out like distant roiling thunder...